Hello, and welcome to my cookery cum culinary website! I hope that my passion for food and cooking will inspire you as you explore my recipes. I have put a lot of thought and love into each dish for my family. I wish to make it available to you and hope your family will enjoy them as much as mine does.
My name is Renu and I was born and brought up in India. Though much of my adult life has been spent abroad, I have always remained fascinated by the infinite delights and subtleties of India’s cuisines. In recent years, I have sought to develop my own Indian cooking by adding elements drawn from the Mediterranean. I find that this combination is a source of fresh, exciting ideas for enjoyable and healthy food.
I grew up eating traditional Indian dishes and loved them. When young, our children relished them too. Now they are all adults, with their own families, and are showing a great interest in learning the secrets of these delicious Indian dishes. These dishes are doing to their families what they did to ours, generating pleasure and happiness around the dinner table. They also help keep their families healthy and make their children grow strong. Seeing their interest, I started to put my recipes down in writing.
Another major motivation in my cooking has been my husband, who is type II diabetic. Once it became clear to me that diet is crucial for keeping this condition under control with minimum medication and controlled food portions, I was energised to develop dishes which are not just tasty but also keep those living with diabetes healthy. With my husband, I started researching different types of flours, vegetables, fruits, seeds, dry fruits and other ingredients to find those best suited to diabetics. I also experimented with different styles of cooking. I made it my project to work with my husband to discover dishes which would help him control his diabetes. And we have succeeded!
These two influences – my family’s love of Indian dishes and the desire to cook for a healthy life – have made my cooking what it is. As I began sharing my recipes with my immediate family, others started expressing an interest in them. I thought it would be good to share my recipes with all those who wish to cook such dishes. So, this website was born.
In this website, you will find my recipes for both traditional Indian style dishes and dishes which are quick to make, nutritious and diabetic friendly. These are loved by our children and grandchildren, who always look forward to coming round to enjoy them together as an extended family. I hope that you also will have the same experience, with whoever you share your culinary happiness, be it friends or family.
Finally, I would not have been able to make this website a reality without my family. They have helped me throughout with their advice, support and encouragement, and I am grateful to them. My very special thanks go to Natasha and to Oksana for giving life to the idea. The website is as much theirs as mine. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
If you would like more information, please subscribe to my newsletter for weekly recipe updates. I would also welcome your comments on any dishes you see on this website or want to see.
Thank you for visiting!
P.S., the Mattar Paneer & Tofu Vegetable Curry With Coconut Milk are favourites of our grandchildren!